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Britain Takes the Lead. Says Fuck You to Hunters and Their Trophies.
Trophies of animals killed by hunters will be banned from being shipped to Britain. A significant slap on hunting for kicks.
If God is somewhere above our heads, I hope he gives dentist Walter Palmer whatever he deserves for luring and killing Cecil, a collared and understudy lion who lived outside the hunting zone in Zimbabwe.
He killed the lion five years ago, but it still feels like yesterday.
Walter Palmer cannot defend himself by saying Cecil would have brutally killed many animals.
Cecil had to kill animals to survive.
A man who fixes teeth for a living can go to the nearby supermarket to buy his food. So Palmer hunted for the adrenalin rush.
“The lion was a commodity to be collected, ‘taken’ in hunting parlance. Concern for the pain and suffering of the animal never seems to have been a particular consideration.” Andrew Loveridge wrote in his book, “Lion Hearted: The Life and Death of Cecil and the Future of Africa’s Iconic Cats.”