Bye-Bye Oracle. All hail AWS

Shankar Narayan
4 min readMay 6, 2020

A New Era Begins

Photo by Jules Bss

If you are offered a job in the following companies, which one will you choose?

  • Microsoft
  • Amazon
  • Google
  • IBM
  • Oracle

The results would have been diametrically different had you faced the same set of choices in 2008.

Twelve years ago Microsoft didn’t know where it was headed, Amazon was just an e-retailer trying to be different, Google, as it has always been, was an advertising company, Oracle appeared in every sentence that started with IT infrastructure and licensing fees, IBM was just I..B..M and Mark Zukerberg was only moving fast enough to break things inside his own office.

Things are a lot different today.

Mark Zukerberg is now Sacha Baron Cohen’s most favorite actor, IBM is still I..B..M, Microsoft and Apple are busy exchanging the most valuable company crown between themselves and Amazon’s technology unit is bigger than Oracle.

A technology division started by a retail company as a side project is now officially bigger than a 42-year-old pure-bred technology company.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) reported revenue of $10.219 billion in its most recent quarter, $423 million more than what Oracle made…



Shankar Narayan

He didn't care what he had or what he had left, he cared only about what he must do.