Racism Is Not Why America’s Police Force Is Dying From the Inside

It is a tragedy to willfully destroy an important pillar of society

Shankar Narayan
6 min readJan 28, 2023
Table created by author using data from Prison Policy

How do you expect a civilized society to respond to the uncivilized manner in which the Memphis Police behaved after a traffic stop.

Memphis Police still doesn’t know exactly why the officers stopped Tyre Nichols. It has been three days since the unfortunate incident. If the department still does not know why its own officers stopped Tyre Nichols, it is not surprising that Nichols had no idea why he was being stopped by the cops on the day his life came to a tragic end.

According to the NYTimes analysis of the video footage, “Several officers try to forcefully pin Mr. Nichols to the ground, shouting expletives and threats. Mr. Nichols can be heard saying: “OK! I am on the ground,” and: “You guys are really doing a lot right now. I’m just trying to go home.”

Seconds later, officers appear to use a stun gun on him. He breaks free and starts running south on Ross Road, with at least two officers running after him”.

Let us rephrase the events a little bit.

  • Tyre Nichols, ran after being pepper sprayed by officers.
  • He does not fight back when he is beaten with batons.



Shankar Narayan

He didn't care what he had or what he had left, he cared only about what he must do.