Nominate President Biden for Nobel Inflation Prize

Shankar Narayan
4 min readNov 18, 2021

The U.K. must hold Biden responsible for increasing inflation

Photo by Ben Robbins on Unsplash

The cost of living in the U.K. surged in October to a 10-year high, with the figure now more than double the target set by the Bank of England.

More than half of America and the entire Republican party blame the President for inflation. The current one, not the previous one. The Brits should take the cue and blame Biden for increasing inflation in their country.

The spending bill President Biden signed this month and the one he may or may not sign next month is the reason for last month's inflation.

Since the Brits are gearing up to blame Biden for increasing inflation in their country to a record high, 19 out of the 20 countries in G20 should also do the same.

Except for Japan, the entire G20 saw prices shoot through the roof last month. Russian President Vladimir Putin must be furious at Biden for increasing Russia's inflation faster than in the United States. Putin will press Biden over this issue when he meets him the next time.



Shankar Narayan

He didn't care what he had or what he had left, he cared only about what he must do.