There you go again

President Biden denies ATACMS to Ukraine

Shankar Narayan
4 min readSep 22, 2023
The Biden Administration has frequently reversed its course. (Licensed Image)

We have one political party that so badly wants to get behind Vladimir Putin, who wants nothing but to end America’s standing in the International stage and we have another political party that has no clue how to win a war.

Former Vice President Mike Pence said exactly what needs to be done in Ukraine. Of-course, he is one among the very few in the Republican party who understands the gravity of the situation and refused the MAGA pull. He said:

“If we allow Vladimir Putin to grab Ukraine, we’re going to end up in a global conflict…We ought to be giving them the resources to defeat the Russian military…It’s peace through strength, and it’s American strength in the free world that’ll set those conditions.”

It’s the part about providing resources where the Democratic party and the Biden administration continue to falter. Delayed justice isn’t justice at all, and delayed resources can be equally detrimental. President Biden started off on the right foot by supporting Ukraine from day one of the war. However, it took him an inordinate amount of time, perhaps three to six months, to deliver the…



Shankar Narayan

He didn't care what he had or what he had left, he cared only about what he must do.