West Gears up: Orders 1,870 Patriot Missiles

If wars are a battle of production capacity between two sides, then the West is on a clearly defined path to grind down its enemies.

Shankar Narayan
6 min readJun 30, 2024
Clear, predictable, and large-scale orders are necessary to build production capacity. (Images are licensed, Text added by me)

We, the West, overpaid for this war due to our fears. There was no logical, rational, or plausible reason for the cost of this war — financial, humanitarian, and military commitments — to reach $318.52 billion.

We sent Ukraine trucks and trainloads of low-end weapons for a long time, increasing our bill. Had we instead sent higher-end weapons in lower quantities, this war could have ended much sooner.

Take the twin A50 Mainstay reconnaissance aircraft Ukraine brought down this year as an example: one Russian A50 aircraft costs $330 million.

Image Credit: Wikipedia. Text added by me.

Europe and the United States have ordered 1,870 Patriot interceptors at a cost of $10 billion. CAMLOG, a joint venture between the US company Raytheon and German company MBDA, is tasked with building 1,000 Patriot interceptors in Europe. The order was placed in January this year. Yesterday, the U.S. Army placed an order for 870 Patriot interceptors with Lockheed Martin…



Shankar Narayan

He didn't care what he had or what he had left, he cared only about what he must do.